
Alison Brooks and Rasmus Astrup of SLA: Transforming Urban Landscapes at the Festival of Place 2024

On 2024年7月4日, Alison Brooks and Rasmus Astrup of SLA teamed up for a keynote presentation at the Festival of Place in Boxpark Wembley. The duo showcased three innovative Toronto projects that reimagine the 城市’s post-industrial waterfront and brutalist legacies.

他们的演讲, 围绕“改变城市景观”的主题,” highlighted the integration of natural elements into the regeneration of Toronto in Canada. 克里斯汀•默里, Editor-in-Chief and Director of The Developer and Festival of Place, 主持双幕演出.

Alison Brooks and Rasmus Astrup showcased three innovative Toronto projects that reimagine the 城市’s post-industrial waterfront and brutalist legacies:

  1. 海滨多伦多 – A bold vision for 可持续发展的 urban development featuring an ensemble of mid- and high-rise buildings stitched together by a 社区 forest.
  2. 多伦多大学比塞尔大楼 ——复兴野兽派画家克劳德. Bissell Building, home to the Faculty of Information in downtown Toronto.
  3. 大卫·克龙比公园 – A revitalization of a historic 1970s landscape designed to meet the needs of the local urban 社区.

他们的主题强调了可持续性, 社区, and the seamless blend of architecture with natural surroundings, offering valuable insights into the future of urban design and the potential for nature to reshape our cities.

你可以观看他们的对话 在这里.



We are excited to announce our Creative Director Alison Brooks’ appointment as one of four members to the esteemed 彩票365官方网站协会 委员会.

加入蔡佩琦, Cindy Walters and Steven Ware on the council is a significant achievement which will allow her to have a hand in shaping the next generation of bright young talents at the oldest private school of architecture in the UK. 作为执业彩票365官方网站师, all four new members of 委员会 will draw on their experience and knowledge to help shape the AA’s future as part of a five-year strategy developed by AA Director Ingrid Schroder.

The new 委员会 members were elected following a vote by AA Members, 包括在校学生和教职员工, in April 2024 and begin their three-year appointment on 15 July.



In the latest feature by the American Hardwood Export 委员会, Alison Brooks takes us on a captivating journey through the 可持续发展的 natural landscape that produces her favorite timber.

Tracing the provenance of the American black cherry tree, 经常为富人指定艾莉森的彩票365官方网站, 暗纹, Alison shares a conversation with journalist Fred Pearce amidst the cathedral-like environment of the Allegheny National Forest in western Pennsylvania.

”Stewards of The Forest: Stories of the people behind the diverse naturally regenerated hardwood forests of the eastern United States” 弗雷德·皮尔斯.


Alison Brooks and Carlos Chauca Galicia Lead Workshop for Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing

今年6月, 艾莉森·布鲁克斯和卡洛斯·乔卡·加利西亚, led a studio in the Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing – a collaborative postgraduate program for qualified architects offered by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and ETH Zürich.

这个彩票365官方网站的重点是住房, 城市, 还有能源研究, combining practice-oriented design synthesis with integrated disciplines and theoretical issues of dwelling and housing.


在车间里, the task is to re-imagine the residential tower so that it is liveable, 慷慨的, and welcoming of shade and darkness and attuned to the climate of Madrid. The seven tower schemes will evolve the qualities of the 城市’s finest ‘street architecture’ to find new form and expression, 对黑暗和光明一视同仁.

Using the text “In Praise of Shadows” by Japanese writer Junichiro Tanizaki, the workshop also addressed the increasing reliance on tower typologies in urban development to fund 经济 models in Europe’s metropolitan centres. High-density residential developments reflect the costs associated with land purchase, 去污, 基础设施的安装, 以及社会的资金, 经济, 文化, 以及新社区的生态基础设施. Tall buildings are thus a prerequisite for new metropolitan neighbourhoods. This principle is evident in the planned regeneration of Madrid Nuevo Norte, w在这里 the central urban gesture – a new park over the rail lands – is lined with tall buildings.


马德里新北部彩票365官方网站, 也被称为Chamartín彩票365官方网站, aims to transform the northern part of Madrid into a modern, 可持续发展的, 连接区域. 面积约为2.300万平方米.300万(包括铁轨), it stands as one of the largest urban regeneration initiatives in Europe.

The development encompasses a new financial district along with extensive residential, 商业, 还有绿色区域. It will feature 1 million square meters of residential space, 包括10,500个新住宅单位, 其中20%是可以负担得起的. 另外,会有1个.600万平方米的办公空间和400,000平方米的绿地和公园.


安瓦尔Abbassi, Kailey螺旋, 德里克·克里斯坦森, 托马斯·克里斯坦森, 埃德加多·克鲁兹, Viktoriia丹尼索瓦, 何塞·爱德华多·德尔加多, 胡里奥费雷, 佩德罗加, Rafailia曼迪, 爱德华多Maldonado, 卡拉情歌, 迭戈马丁内斯, 梅娜真实, Elizaveta Nikolskaia, Ayush帕特尔, Betul领域, (Kunal Sonawane, 索菲亚·德卢卡, 魔术Ucha, 安东尼Voruz, 玛利亚姆亚.

